• Kitchen fires are some of the fiercest and most difficult fire to fight and diminish. Fire hazard risk is very dangerous in commercial kitchen. Kitchen fire is generally due to burning of oil & LPG on the premises, this aggravates the danger considerably. Kitchen; be it of a small café or a large industrial kitchen KIAAN kitchen fire suppression system is equipped & ready to protect. Our fire extinguishers are wet chemical based and are specially designed to fight cooking oil fire arising in the kitchen with no flooding related collateral damage. The kitchen suppression system is designed for fire protection in hoods & ducts of cooking appliances & commercial kitchens and restaurants.

  • KIAAN kitchen fire suppression system consists of wet agent tank enclosed in S.S mounting box, rated control nozzles o piping. be provided with automatic actuation or manual actuation through a remote manual pull station. As the fire is detected, the control panel activates the system and When the liquid agent is discharged on to a cooking appliance fire, it cools the grease surface, and reacts with the hot grease (saponification) forming a layer of soap-like foam on the surface of the fat. Upon actuation, agent is discharged onto the hazard area. Immediately following discharge, the waterline system is activated and it allows water to flow on to the same hazard areas.